Rehydrating skin is as vital as drinking water throughout the day! Dry skin is primarily caused by trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL); evaporation of water on the skin’s surface. Our technical team reviewed specific water and oil soluble phyto-compounds in publicly available peer reviewed literature that may be of interest to reduce TEWL. Explore the plant profiles below and trial to see how they translate in your next hydration formulation - mist, body drink, scalp spray, lotion, cream, etc.

Banana Cellular Extract
Musa paradisiaca

Lotus Flower Cellular Extract
Nelumbo nucifera

Linden Flower Cellular Extract
Tilia cordata

Snake Vine Cellular Extract
Hibbertia scandens

Wattleseed Cellular Extract
Acacia victoriae

Bilberry Cellular Extract
Vaccinium myrtillus

Echinacea Cellular Extract
Echinacea purpurea

White Tea Cellular Extract
Camellia sinensis

Yarrow Cellular Extract
Achillea millefolium

Astragalus-Huang Qi Cellular Extract
Astragalus membranaceous

Kumquat Cellular Extract
Citrus japonica

Wheatgerm Cellular Extract
Triticum vulgare

Watercress Leaf Cellular Extract
Nasturtium officinale

Wild Yam Cellular Extract
Dioscorea villosa

Orange Peel Cellular Extract
Citrus aurantium dulcis

Plantain Cellular Extract
Plantago lanceolata

Portobello Mushroom Cellular Extract
Agaricus bisporus

Thyme Cellular Extract
Thymus vulgaris

Reishi Mushroom Cellular Extract
Ganoderma sichuanense (synonym Ganoderma lingzhi)

Rainforest Lime Cellular Extract
Citrus australis

Radish Cellular Extract
Raphanus sativus

Prickly Pear Cellular Extract
Opuntia ficus-indica

Passionfruit Cellular Extract
Passiflora edulis

Maitake Mushroom Cellular Extract
Grifola frondosa

Kiwi Fruit Cellular Extract
Actinidia delicisoa

Karkalla Cellular Extract
Disphyma crassifolium

Hawthorn Berries Cellular Extract
Crataegus monogyna

Guava Cellular Extract
Psidium guajava

Fig Cellular Extract
Ficus carica

Cranberry Cellular Extract
Vaccinium macrocarpon

Coconut Cellular Extract
Cocos nucifera

Clementine Cellular Extract
Citrus x clementina

Carrot Cellular Extract
Daucus carota

Cantaloupe Cellular Extract
Cucumis melo cantalupensis

Blood Orange Cellular Extract
Citrus x sinensis

Basil Cellular Extract
Ocimum basilicum

Atlantic Kelp (Knotted Wrack) Cellular Extract
Ascophyllum nodosum

Asparagus (Shativari) Root Cellular Extract
Asparagus racemosus

Coffee Berry Cellular Extract
Coffea arabica

Moringa Cellular Extract
Moringa oleifera

Sage Cellular Extract
Salvia officinalis

Mountain Pepper Leaf Cellular Extract
Tasmannia lanceolata

Silky Oil Grass Cellular Extract
Cymbopogan bombycinus

Wild Orange Cellular Extract
Capparis mitchellii

White Cypress Leaf Cellular Extract
Callitris glaucophylla

Blueberry Cellular Extract
Vaccinium corymbosum