Native Australian Kakadu Plums lime green in colour, scientifically known as Terminalia ferdinandiana, created NATIVE EXTRACTS Kakadu Plum Cellular Extract

Kakadu Plum Cellular Extract

Terminalia ferdinandiana

Deep purple Davidson plum fruit scientifically known as Davidsonia jerseyana

Davidson Plum Cellular Extract

Davidsonia jerseyana

Kakadu plums scientifically called terminalia ferdinandiana in a bowl in the Australian desert

Kakadu Plum Seed Oil

Carthamus tinctorius (and) Terminalia ferdinandiana

The Quandong fruit (Santalum acuminatum) is vibrant red, and used to create the Native Extracts Quandong Cellular Extract.

Quandong Cellular Extract

Santalum acuminatum

Australian Native Kangaroo flower bright red in colour, with fury flower heads shaped like a kangaroo's paw. Scientifically known as Anigozanthos flavidus, it creates NATIVE EXTRACTS Kangaroo Paw Cellular Extract

Kangaroo Paw Cellular Extract

Anigozanthos flavidus

The Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) plant, with green leaves and white flowers.

Lemon Myrtle Cellular Extract

Backhousia citriodora

Red Velvet Oil

Red Velvet Oil

Solanum lycopersicum

Macadamia nuts, including some shells open showing the nut.

Macadamia Oil

Macadamia intergrifolia

The Aloe Vera leaf, cut open allowing you to see the Aloe Vera gel inside.

Aloe Vera Leaf Juice 99%

Aloe barbadensis

Thuja Herb (Thuja occidentalis), also known as ‘Tree of Life', has leaves which are small bulbs on a stem, and are used to create the Native Extracts Thuja Herb Cellular Extract.

Thuja Herb Cellular Extract

Thuja occidentalis

The Silky Oil Grass, known as Native Lemongrass or Australian Lemon Scented Grass (Cymbopogan bombycinus), is a plant that has long stalks with white fluffy seed pods and is used to create the Native Extracts Silky Oil Grass Cellular Extract.

Silky Oil Grass Cellular Extract

Cymbopogan bombycinus

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