Close up of Jiaogulan serrated green leaves, scientifically known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum, created NATIVE EXTRACTS Jiaogulan Cellular Extract

Jiaogulan Cellular Extract

Gynostemma pentaphyllum

Hydrangea Cellular Extract

Hydrangea Cellular Extract

Hydrangea macrophylla

Close up of Holy basil green leaves with dainty pink purple flowers, scientifically known as Ocimum tenuiflorum (synonym Ocimum sanctum) creates NATIVE EXTRACTS Holy Basil Cellular Extract

Holy Basil Cellular Extract

Ocimum tenuiflorum (synonym Ocimum sanctum)

Guava fruit cut in halves, the fruit ihas pink flesh and is a round pear-shape.m Scientifically known as Psidium guajava, it creates NATIVE EXTRACTS Guava Cellular Extract.

Guava Cellular Extract

Psidium guajava

Dried golden flaxseeds scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum create NATIVE EXTRACTS Flaxseed Cellular Extract

Flaxseed Cellular Extract

Linum usitatissimum

Fresh dill with fine-textured fern-like leaves, bright green in colour, scientifically known as Anethum graveolens

Dill Cellular Extract

Anethum graveolens

Danelion stems capped with bright yellow flowers growing wild

Dandelion Cellular Extract

Taraxacum officinale

Dried coriander seed on a mat, scientifically known as Coriandum sativum

Coriander Cellular Extract

Coriandum sativum

Bright yellow coleus flowers growing in the wild, scientifically known as Tussilago farfara

Coltsfoot Cellular Extract

Tussilago farfara

Cranberry Cellular Extract

Cranberry Cellular Extract

Vaccinium macrocarpon

Dried brown cloves, nail like in shape, scientifically known as Syzygium aromaticum (Synonym Eugenia caryophyllus)

Clove Cellular Extract

Syzygium aromaticum (Synonym Eugenia caryophyllus)

Clementine mandarin deep orange with smooth glossy skin cut in half, scientifically known as Citrus x clementina

Clementine Cellular Extract

Citrus x clementina

Cinnamon Myrtle Cellular Extract

Cinnamon Myrtle Cellular Extract

Backhousia myrtifolia

Inside of a Cantaloupe, also known as melon, cut into a diamond shape, scientifically named Cucumis melo cantalupensis

Cantaloupe Cellular Extract

Cucumis melo cantalupensis

Small flower buds of the Angelica archangelica plant

Angelica Cellular Extract

Angelica archanglica

Star anise pod shaped like a star

Anise Cellular Extract

Pimpinella anisum

The Moringa tree (Moringa oleifera) is also called the drumstick tree, horseradish tree, ben oil tree, or ben tree.

Moringa Cellular Extract

Moringa oleifera

The Sage plant, (Salvia officinalis), is light green in colour, with leaves that are soft to touch, and is used to create the Native Extracts Sage Cellular Extract.

Sage Cellular Extract

Salvia officinalis

The Silky Oil Grass, known as Native Lemongrass or Australian Lemon Scented Grass (Cymbopogan bombycinus), is a plant that has long stalks with white fluffy seed pods and is used to create the Native Extracts Silky Oil Grass Cellular Extract.

Silky Oil Grass Cellular Extract

Cymbopogan bombycinus

Wild Orange Cellular Extract

Wild Orange Cellular Extract

Capparis mitchellii

Bark of the Amur Bark plant

Amur Bark Cellular Extract

Phellodendron amurense

Cluster of bright blue/purple blueberry fruit growing, scientifically named Vaccinium corymbosum

Blueberry Cellular Extract

Vaccinium corymbosum

Cluster of ripe bitter oranges growing, scientifically known as Citrus aurantium amara

Bitter Orange Cellular Extract

Citrus aurantium amara

Cluster of horsechestnuts, prickly fruit capsules that contain a glossy brown and nut-like seed. Scientifically known as Aesculus hippocastanum to create NATIVE EXTRACTS Horsechestnut Cellular Extract

Horsechestnut Cellular Extract

Aesculus hippocastanum

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