Azadirachta indica tree, also known as the neem tree, is used to create Neem Leaf Cellular Extract.

Neem Leaf Cellular Extract

Azadirachta indica

A Lychee tree, with several red lychees.

Lychee Cellular Extract

Litchi chinensis

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is used to create the Cellular Extract.

Mugwort Cellular Extract

Artemisia vulgaris

The Moringa tree (Moringa oleifera) is also called the drumstick tree, horseradish tree, ben oil tree, or ben tree.

Moringa Cellular Extract

Moringa oleifera

Linseeds, also known as flaxseeds.

Linseed Cellular Extract

Linum usitatissum

The Mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana), cut open showing the white centre.

Mangosteen Cellular Extract

Garcinia mangostana

A slection of orange mandarins, which are used for Mandarin Cellular Extract.

Mandarin Cellular Extract

Citrus reticulata

The Magnolia flower (Magnolia grandiflora) which is used to create Magnolia Cellular Extract.

Magnolia Cellular Extract

Magnolia grandiflora

Close up of Jiaogulan serrated green leaves, scientifically known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum, created NATIVE EXTRACTS Jiaogulan Cellular Extract

Jiaogulan Cellular Extract

Gynostemma pentaphyllum

The Lemon Balm leaves, also known scientifically as Melissa officinalis.

Lemon Balm Cellular Extract

Melissa officinalis

Slices of Kiwi fruits, bright green flesh with a white centre surrounded by rows of small black edible seeds. Scientifically known as Actinidia delicisoa creates NATIVE EXTRACTS Kiwi Fruit Cellular Extract

Kiwi Fruit Cellular Extract

Actinidia delicisoa

Karkalla leaves that are three-sided in cross-section with a rounded lower angle and bright purple daisy like fkowers. Scientifically known as Disphyma crassifolium created NATIVE EXTRACTS Karkalla Cellular Extract

Karkalla Cellular Extract

Disphyma crassifolium

Hydrangea Cellular Extract

Hydrangea Cellular Extract

Hydrangea macrophylla

Close up of Holy basil green leaves with dainty pink purple flowers, scientifically known as Ocimum tenuiflorum (synonym Ocimum sanctum) creates NATIVE EXTRACTS Holy Basil Cellular Extract

Holy Basil Cellular Extract

Ocimum tenuiflorum (synonym Ocimum sanctum)

Henna plant, bright green oval shaped leaves, the flowers are delicate and petite with four petals and elongated stamens. Scientifically known as Lawsonia inermis, it creates NATIVE EXTRACTS Henna Cellular Extract

Henna Cellular Extract

Lawsonia inermis

Guava fruit cut in halves, the fruit ihas pink flesh and is a round pear-shape.m Scientifically known as Psidium guajava, it creates NATIVE EXTRACTS Guava Cellular Extract.

Guava Cellular Extract

Psidium guajava

Guarana fruit red in colur with black seeds that are partly covered by white arils, scientifically known as Paullinia cupana, creates NATIVE EXTRACTS Guarana Cellular Extract

Guarana Cellular Extract

Paullinia cupana

Dried golden flaxseeds scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum create NATIVE EXTRACTS Flaxseed Cellular Extract

Flaxseed Cellular Extract

Linum usitatissimum

Danelion stems capped with bright yellow flowers growing wild

Dandelion Cellular Extract

Taraxacum officinale

Dainty white feverfew flowers growing in the wild scientifically known as Chrysanthemum parthenium creat NATIVE EXTRACTS Feverfew Cellular Extract

Feverfew Cellular Extract

Chrysanthemum parthenium

Cranberry Cellular Extract

Cranberry Cellular Extract

Vaccinium macrocarpon

Bright yellow coleus flowers growing in the wild, scientifically known as Tussilago farfara

Coltsfoot Cellular Extract

Tussilago farfara

Coleus plant growing with dainty purple flowers, scientifically known as Coleus barbatus (synonym Plectranthus barbatus)

Coleus Cellular Extract

Coleus barbatus (synonym Plectranthus barbatus)

Clementine mandarin deep orange with smooth glossy skin cut in half, scientifically known as Citrus x clementina

Clementine Cellular Extract

Citrus x clementina

Inside of a Cantaloupe, also known as melon, cut into a diamond shape, scientifically named Cucumis melo cantalupensis

Cantaloupe Cellular Extract

Cucumis melo cantalupensis

Close up of cinnamon stlks reddish-brown in colour, hard and woody in texture

Cinnamon Cellular Extract

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

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